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October birth flowers

Marigold & Cosmos

The Marigold as October's Birth Flower

October What is your birth flower Marigold (1)

A Symbol of Creativity and Passion

October birth flower, the Marigold, is known for its rich golden, orange, and copper tones, symbolizing warmth, creativity, and transformation.

Historical and Cultural Significance

Marigolds have been significant in various cultures for centuries, from being used in religious and spiritual ceremonies in Hinduism and Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico to being a valued plant in medieval gardens for its supposed magical properties.

Symbolism and Uses

Marigolds symbolize passion, creativity, and the beauty of the changing seasons. They are often associated with the sun due to their vibrant color and are believed to bring positive energy. In addition to their decorative uses, Marigolds are known for their natural pest-repellent properties in gardens.

The Cosmos as October's Birth Flower

Harmony and Order

The secondary October birth flower, the Cosmos, is celebrated for its simple, daisy-like flowers and feathery foliage, representing harmony and order.

Historical Background

Native to Mexico, Cosmos have been cultivated since the 16th century. Their name comes from the Greek word for ‘harmonious universe’, reflecting the flower’s balanced and orderly appearance.

Symbolism and Varieties

Cosmos flowers symbolize peace, order, and a balanced universe. They come in various colors like pink, white, and purple, each adding a different aesthetic and symbolism to gardens and floral arrangements.

Marigolds and Cosmos in Contemporary Times

Today, both Marigolds and Cosmos are popular in autumn gardens and floral designs. They are favored for their beauty, ease of cultivation, and the cheerful ambiance they create.

Using October
Birth Flowers

October’s birth flowers, the Marigold and the Cosmos, with their unique beauty and rich symbolism, capture the spirit of October. They symbolize the warmth, creativity, and balance that define the month, making them perfect emblems of autumn’s charm.

In Seasonal Decor

Marigolds, with their autumnal colors, are perfect for October decorations, while Cosmos add elegance and simplicity to any setting.

In Gardening

Both flowers are excellent choices for adding late-season color to gardens. Marigolds are also beneficial for companion planting due to their pest-repellent qualities.

In Art and Celebration

The symbolism of Marigolds and Cosmos is often celebrated in art, literature, and cultural festivals, reflecting themes of life, change, and balance.

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Spiritual Relevance Of October Birth Flowers


In Hinduism, Marigolds are used extensively in religious ceremonies and symbolize surrender to the divine. They are also used in Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico.


Represent harmony and peace. In spiritual practices, they are used to promote inner peace and balance.

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